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Opening Address

On behalf of the Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore (PSS) Pharmacy Week 2024 Organizing Committee, we proudly present “Just Ask! Know Your Medicines!”, a national carnival which is slated to take place on 29th September 2024 at Heartbeat @ Bedok. This carnival is a continuation of PSS’s annual tradition of holding a community event during Pharmacy Week for pharmacists to engage the public on various health topics and encourage them to take ownership of their own health. 


During Pharmacy Week’s lead-up to the carnival, there will be educational quizzes on our social media platforms to raise awareness of our carnival to the public. The carnival itself will be an ideal opportunity for the community to learn more and enroll in the ‘Healthier SG’ plan, understand more about their medications and health conditions, and also take part in health monitoring conducted by the Health T.A.G. team. There will be health talks conducted by healthcare professionals on interesting health topics as well as interactive booths aimed to educate the public. Through the event, we aim to advocate the proper use and disposal of medications, and highlight the importance of vaccination. 


As we begin our preparations for Pharmacy Week 2024, do follow us on our “Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore” social media platforms Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, as well as watch this space for updates on the event. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at our health carnival! 


Dr Cassandra Chang & Mr Tan Wei Xun 

Co-chairpersons Pharmacy Week 2024 

Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore

Meet The Team

Meet the team for Pharmacy Week 2024

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